Social Sciences, Humanities and Spirituality

Name Research Title
Alvarado, Angelito Health and Wellness Practices and Challenges in the New Normal Among Students and Employees of Isabela State University: Basis for a Comprehensive Wellness Program
Alvarez, Neil Sidney Live Experiences of Community Stigma related to Psychiatric Illness
Dwidiyanti, Meidiana Improving Adolescent Mental Health Through Spiritual Coping Using MCHC Application
Manzano, Mark Factors Associated with Utilization and Non-Utilization of Periodic Health Examination: A Case-Control Study
Mutmainna, Amriati Effectiveness of Back Massage On Uterine Involution for Post-Partum Women at Antang Perumnas Public Health Center, Makassar City, Indonesia
Suwarsi, Suwarsi Quality of Life, and Physical Activities of Overweight Adolescents: Basis for a Proposed Health Intervention
Choiriyah, Muladefi The Correlation of Knowledge and Behavior in Maintaining Reproductive Health in Male and Female Adolescents
Trinidad, Cherry The Retirement Preparedness of Employees in a State Universities and Colleges of the Philippines

Program Title: 5th SPUP International Interdisciplinary Research Conference (5th SPUP IIRC)

Conference Theme: “Blazing New Trails in Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability”

Date/Time/Location: December 9-11, 2022; SPUP Global Center Function Hall and via ZOOM

Host Organization: St. Paul University Philippines